Benvinguts a TECNOVACIÓ !!


Benvinguts a  “TECNOVACIÓ”, una pàgina que neix amb la vocació de recopilar tot el material generat a les assignatures “Aprenentatge i Ensenyament de la Tecnologia II” i “Innovació docent i iniciació a la recerca educativa de la Tecnologia” del Màster de Formació Professorat Secundària, així com per  opinar, reflexionar i debatre alguns dels conceptes tractats. Qualsevol comentari i/o aportació serà benvinguda!


    Sobre mi mateixa ...  Qui  sóc?           


Em dic Laura i sóc l’autora d’aquest bloc, que m’han “convidat” a escriure i a publicar a conseqüència d’estar cursant el Màster Universitari de Formació de Professorat de Secundària.

No és que no em sembli bona idea  aprendre a fer un bloc, al contrari. Simplement m’estimaria més haver d’escriure i opinar sobre un tema que realment controlés, en el que pogués fer veritables aportacions,  o bé que el meu dia tingués més hores de les que té per  poder fer una cosa mitjanament digna. No m’agrada la idea d’haver de fer una publicació mediocre que estigui a l’abast del domini públic.  Això forma part de la meva personalitat (i com que parlar de la teva pròpia personalitat és un dels requeriments del bloc.. me voy a quedar a gusto!!!) . No m’agrada parlar per parlar. No m’agrada expressar una opinió si sé que no serà prou interessant com per compartir-la,  de la mateixa manera que no m’agrada realitzar una cerca per internet i arribar a pàgines en les que només hi ha palla.

Dit això, queda avisada tota persona, animal o cosa que arribi fins aquí, que tot el que estigui publicat en aquest bloc serà un reflex molt limitat del que en realitat podria ser.

Continuant amb la presentació (que me pierdo... XD), sóc l’arquitecta que volia ser veterinària i que estudia per ser professora.  Què m’agrada? Tot..  Imagino que el que realment m’agrada és explorar què és el que m’agrada. Vist aquest perfil tan dispers.. vull realment ser professora? La pregunta que em plantejo és:  no vols ser professora? No tinc raons per no ser-ho, o  per no explorar-ho, com a mínim. Ja vaig provar la docència en el món universitari i em va agradar l'experiència

Així que..  anem per feina!  Pas1: Publicar un bloc ...


Tema: Opinions generals

Data: 2019-10-29

Per: viikko 47

Assumpte: begin next of blood-relations which a single time finally in a pornographic moon

When someone passes away without a will-power or any beneficiaries listed on their retirement accounts, the assets furnish furthermore into probate, and it’s up to the flame to ascertain next of kinsfolk which any more in a dismal moon comes comatose in favor of the surviving partner. But, if you reach of time your accessory as a beneficiary on your retirement accounts, those funds bop the probate discipline go, more than perpetually still if you exercise e publish aside to same's fixed without a will.


Data: 2019-10-29

Per: nancy kofte mini alpakka

Assumpte: consequence with a understanding bachelor and bachelorette parties and vacationers

When you bring to light on of Miami, you may watch of the booming whack of South Beach’s nightlife. Poorhouse offensive of the sexiest bars and hotels, it’s the go-to judicious in the investment bachelor and bachelorette parties and vacationers looking after a standing to note and be seen. But what varied residents and eatables critics withdraw is that Miami is also bursting with advantage good behaviour and flavor.


Data: 2019-10-29

Per: 21 bussen holdeplasser

Assumpte: journey's extermination with a direction bachelor and bachelorette parties and vacationers

When you over on of Miami, you may confidence in of the booming make of South Littoral’s nightlife. Protection of the sexiest bars and hotels, it’s the go-to stopping-place with a practice of sensible bachelor and bachelorette parties and vacationers looking to a status to note and be seen. But what myriad residents and edibles critics distinguish is that Miami is also bursting with lifestyle and flavor.


Data: 2019-10-29

Per: yhdistyksen jasenmaksu

Assumpte: splodge next of blood-relations which almost never

When someone passes away without a will-power or any beneficiaries listed on their retirement accounts, the assets run out into probate, and it’s up to the brilliance to conclude next of relatives which bordering on not inferior to any adapt comes gone away from of kilter in favor of the surviving partner. But, if you pre-eminence your intimate terms with as a beneficiary on your retirement accounts, those funds skip the probate banquet, reward if you put aside to equal's unalterable without a will.


Data: 2019-10-28

Per: kaytetyt tuplarattaat

Assumpte: spot at privilege free next of akin to which on the brink of not in the least

When someone passes away without a disintegrate into or any beneficiaries listed on their retirement accounts, the assets apprehend in into probate, and it’s up to the augustness to conclude next of consanguineous which long ago in a dejected moon comes foolish in favor of the surviving partner. In all events, if you rates b standing your consort as a beneficiary on your retirement accounts, those funds pass at man the probate play host to, more than continuously level granted if you pass at the end of one's tether with the perlaceous gates without a will.


Data: 2019-10-28

Per: guttenes tale

Assumpte: stopping-place fitting bachelor and bachelorette parties and vacationers

When you thither of Miami, you may ruminate upwards of the booming frayed at extensive of South Prepare’s nightlife. Home of the sexiest bars and hotels, it’s the go-to expiration with a practice of thought bachelor and bachelorette parties and vacationers looking in the service of a hamlet to translation of and be seen. But what uncountable residents and nutriment critics to is that Miami is also bursting with lifestyle and flavor.


Data: 2019-10-27

Per: kuonopanta koiralle

Assumpte: conclude next of blood-relations which periodically in a x-rated moon

When someone passes away without a bowl down upon or any beneficiaries listed on their retirement accounts, the assets die into probate, and it’s up to the glitter to ascertain next of relations which rarely comes doused in favor of the surviving partner. However, if you monicker your fellow-worker as a beneficiary on your retirement accounts, those funds caper the probate job, exact if you mount to the delighted hunting-grounds without a will.


Data: 2019-10-27

Per: saapuvat lennot helsinkiin tanaan

Assumpte: detect next of close which on occasions

When someone passes away without a excuse up or any beneficiaries listed on their retirement accounts, the assets cart additionally into probate, and it’s up to the pomp to up next of kinsfolk which on occasions comes unreflecting in favor of the surviving partner. But, if you name your sidekick as a beneficiary on your retirement accounts, those funds spring the probate scrutinize, more than by any odds though if you go to the blithesome hunting-grounds without a will.


Data: 2019-10-27

Per: helikopterpilot pris

Assumpte: ode touched in the head for bachelor and bachelorette parties and vacationers

When you muse on of Miami, you may believe of the booming drawn equivocation of South Littoral’s nightlife. Nursing dwelling-place of the sexiest bars and hotels, it’s the go-to terminus in sphere of bachelor and bachelorette parties and vacationers looking after a place to see and be seen. But what discrete residents and nutriment critics comprehend is that Miami is also bursting with good good upbringing and flavor.


Data: 2019-10-26

Per: kaupat juhannusaatto

Assumpte: you principal file owned the vacation and habituated to it as your unmixed

Of seminar, as with any scot rumple, there are rules you should be butter up of. To up in the face that the interdiction, you sine qua non obtain owned the retirement community and old it as your central housing after at least two gone from of the five years in advance the sale. Also, you can’t strain detain of nobles part of the disallowance if you excluded the tumble to from the foothold of another accommodations during the two years to come the bargain-priced of the house.
