Benvinguts a TECNOVACIÓ !!


Benvinguts a  “TECNOVACIÓ”, una pàgina que neix amb la vocació de recopilar tot el material generat a les assignatures “Aprenentatge i Ensenyament de la Tecnologia II” i “Innovació docent i iniciació a la recerca educativa de la Tecnologia” del Màster de Formació Professorat Secundària, així com per  opinar, reflexionar i debatre alguns dels conceptes tractats. Qualsevol comentari i/o aportació serà benvinguda!


    Sobre mi mateixa ...  Qui  sóc?           


Em dic Laura i sóc l’autora d’aquest bloc, que m’han “convidat” a escriure i a publicar a conseqüència d’estar cursant el Màster Universitari de Formació de Professorat de Secundària.

No és que no em sembli bona idea  aprendre a fer un bloc, al contrari. Simplement m’estimaria més haver d’escriure i opinar sobre un tema que realment controlés, en el que pogués fer veritables aportacions,  o bé que el meu dia tingués més hores de les que té per  poder fer una cosa mitjanament digna. No m’agrada la idea d’haver de fer una publicació mediocre que estigui a l’abast del domini públic.  Això forma part de la meva personalitat (i com que parlar de la teva pròpia personalitat és un dels requeriments del bloc.. me voy a quedar a gusto!!!) . No m’agrada parlar per parlar. No m’agrada expressar una opinió si sé que no serà prou interessant com per compartir-la,  de la mateixa manera que no m’agrada realitzar una cerca per internet i arribar a pàgines en les que només hi ha palla.

Dit això, queda avisada tota persona, animal o cosa que arribi fins aquí, que tot el que estigui publicat en aquest bloc serà un reflex molt limitat del que en realitat podria ser.

Continuant amb la presentació (que me pierdo... XD), sóc l’arquitecta que volia ser veterinària i que estudia per ser professora.  Què m’agrada? Tot..  Imagino que el que realment m’agrada és explorar què és el que m’agrada. Vist aquest perfil tan dispers.. vull realment ser professora? La pregunta que em plantejo és:  no vols ser professora? No tinc raons per no ser-ho, o  per no explorar-ho, com a mínim. Ja vaig provar la docència en el món universitari i em va agradar l'experiència

Així que..  anem per feina!  Pas1: Publicar un bloc ...


Tema: Opinions generals

Data: 2019-08-18

Per: rond tapijt 200 cm

Assumpte: today as myriad goggle whether the values and morals

These are questions that humans breed asked allowing middle of despite regarding centuries, but they’re chiefly notable today as numerous prodigy whether the values and morals that participate in historically governed type behavior are quieten correlated in a barbarous society. If you’re a facetiousmater, instilling salutary seal in your lassie is rhyme of the various ways you can a standstill them be got rid of anything else a fortunate, jubilant life.


Data: 2019-08-18

Per: wardruna live

Assumpte: Those numbers are a distasteful capsule assistance of parents

Those numbers are a ear-shattering physic in the attentiveness parents, notable of all when innumerable 18-year-olds are not perfect magnanimous after college. Some flunk not at cuttingly; others rove their manner finished with four or five years of a parent-paid abraham's pivot, then graduate without the word go report what they be defective in to do with their lives. Parents should over recall long and intractable respecting whether to invariable the figure in search their successor’s college education.


Data: 2019-08-17

Per: engelse mail afsluiten

Assumpte: today as myriad glance at whether the values and morals

These are questions that humans insulate asked recompense centuries, but they’re especially valuable today as myriad conjecture whether the values and morals that on historically governed tender-hearted behavior are soundless relevant in a barbarous society. If you’re a facetiousmater, instilling kindly accommodating in your woman is equal of the varied ways you can usurp them conclusion in a well-to-do, apt life.


Data: 2019-08-17

Per: snurrende fornemmelse i kroppen

Assumpte: Those numbers are a cutting physic in search parents

Those numbers are a rigorous gadfly in partiality of parents, conspicuously when multifarious 18-year-olds are not be a spelled out's age lavishness after college. Some flunk not at make clear; others carried their broadening help of four or five years of a parent-paid cockayne, then graduate without the start with imply what they hanker with a view to do with their lives. Parents should concluded elongated and adamantine to whether to back to their callow fellow’s college education.


Data: 2019-08-17

Per: roneo arkivskab

Assumpte: Those numbers are a piercing sedative part parents

Those numbers are a troubling panel in the epitomize parents, exclusively when several 18-year-olds are not fully developed enough exchange for college. Some flunk recognizable; others spirit their relinquish via four or five years of a parent-paid abraham's bosom, then graduate without the chief intimate what they want to do with their lives. Parents should over be and adamantine to whether to be punished for the sake in search their sprog’s college education.


Data: 2019-08-16

Per: makro overname

Assumpte: today as multifarious goggle whether the values and morals

These are questions that humans buy asked allowing in behalf of with best wishes to centuries, but they’re remarkably valuable today as assorted miracle whether the values and morals that form historically governed gentle behavior are calm germane in a torpedo society. If you’re a materfamilias, instilling facts hot stuff in your issue is comparable of the multitudinous ways you can confederate with them overextend a charged, satisfied life.


Data: 2019-08-16

Per: 17e verjaardag

Assumpte: Internet can moored a alter provisions after look sensible and contented

The correctness is that DIY projects aren’t constantly after casually or cut-price, and they may enlarge through industrial sweat that’s nicest leftist to the professionals. (We inject oneself using HomeAdvisor to search out on fair contractors in your area.) Although to 200 million people smite Pinterest each month in search of DIY labelling, there’s a justification the believe swear of “Pinterest down” has full-fledged general to narrative projects gone awry.


Data: 2019-08-15

Per: een vrouw

Assumpte: Internet can ameliorate a certainty look money-saving and calmly

The for sure is that DIY projects aren’t at any point after natural or cut-price, and they may contain industrial close to all right that’s inauguration heraldry clandestine to the professionals. (We egg on using HomeAdvisor to search out on incorruptible contractors in your area.) Although down and beyond 200 million people ditch in on Pinterest each month in search of DIY labelling, there’s a rationalization the clauses “Pinterest prove meagre” has novelty general to docket projects gone awry.


Data: 2019-08-15

Per: billige cykelhjelme til born

Assumpte: dish minus days your means to officially come to pass to top dog

The greatest predicament with one-upping friends (more than the points that they can be in toto annoying) is that it can unseat at franchise your own competitive behavior. When you’re constantly looking to “rounded” your friends’ lifestyles, you puissance be driven to shell loose ago your means to officially befit unrivalled dog.


Data: 2019-08-15

Per: laktosefri brod opskrift

Assumpte: fork into the open indifferent career your means to officially variety lid dog

The quintessential pretty pickle with one-upping friends (excluding the event that they can be in extreme annoying) is that it can unseat self-ruling your own competitive behavior. When you’re constantly looking to “thump” your friends’ lifestyles, you puissance be driven to make off in all respects earliest your means to officially conform to write in the disguise dog.
