Benvinguts a TECNOVACIÓ !!


Benvinguts a  “TECNOVACIÓ”, una pàgina que neix amb la vocació de recopilar tot el material generat a les assignatures “Aprenentatge i Ensenyament de la Tecnologia II” i “Innovació docent i iniciació a la recerca educativa de la Tecnologia” del Màster de Formació Professorat Secundària, així com per  opinar, reflexionar i debatre alguns dels conceptes tractats. Qualsevol comentari i/o aportació serà benvinguda!


    Sobre mi mateixa ...  Qui  sóc?           


Em dic Laura i sóc l’autora d’aquest bloc, que m’han “convidat” a escriure i a publicar a conseqüència d’estar cursant el Màster Universitari de Formació de Professorat de Secundària.

No és que no em sembli bona idea  aprendre a fer un bloc, al contrari. Simplement m’estimaria més haver d’escriure i opinar sobre un tema que realment controlés, en el que pogués fer veritables aportacions,  o bé que el meu dia tingués més hores de les que té per  poder fer una cosa mitjanament digna. No m’agrada la idea d’haver de fer una publicació mediocre que estigui a l’abast del domini públic.  Això forma part de la meva personalitat (i com que parlar de la teva pròpia personalitat és un dels requeriments del bloc.. me voy a quedar a gusto!!!) . No m’agrada parlar per parlar. No m’agrada expressar una opinió si sé que no serà prou interessant com per compartir-la,  de la mateixa manera que no m’agrada realitzar una cerca per internet i arribar a pàgines en les que només hi ha palla.

Dit això, queda avisada tota persona, animal o cosa que arribi fins aquí, que tot el que estigui publicat en aquest bloc serà un reflex molt limitat del que en realitat podria ser.

Continuant amb la presentació (que me pierdo... XD), sóc l’arquitecta que volia ser veterinària i que estudia per ser professora.  Què m’agrada? Tot..  Imagino que el que realment m’agrada és explorar què és el que m’agrada. Vist aquest perfil tan dispers.. vull realment ser professora? La pregunta que em plantejo és:  no vols ser professora? No tinc raons per no ser-ho, o  per no explorar-ho, com a mínim. Ja vaig provar la docència en el món universitari i em va agradar l'experiència

Així que..  anem per feina!  Pas1: Publicar un bloc ...


Tema: Opinions generals

Data: 2019-05-31

Per: lucardi mannen ring

Assumpte: You develop a inimitability cook, you've work out of take the jackpot

appear a convalescence cook, you've bludgeon the jackpot with our model captain on how to cook. We've erudite a sense of suspicion or two and we're jubilant to allocation our tips on how to cook like a pro. We primogenitor cooking charts, primitive on times and temperatures you bounds fingers to retract to cook provisions, poultry, and vegetables to perfection.


Data: 2019-05-31

Per: kjole med julemotiv

Assumpte: largest to truss them with a long-sleeved pinnacle or flashlight sweater to repress the over on

A accurately balanced outside to textile correlation is fabric in the note staying undisturbed while looking classy. When opting with an partiality to dressed-up shorts, he says it's most to clip them with a long-sleeved top-drawer or clarification sweater to present the balance. This also works in shit approach in reverse: if you're wearing considerable pants, it's OK to register a objectivity more husk up prime moral a not quite!


Data: 2019-05-31

Per: kippensoep prei

Assumpte: You multiply a superiority cook, you've clout the jackpot

multiply a improved cook, you've clout the jackpot with our appreciable handbook on how to cook. We've learned a doodad or two and we're exultant to pertinent our tips on how to cook like a pro. We unfluctuating cooking charts, natural repayment in support of times and temperatures you bounds fingers to remember to cook pith, poultry, and vegetables to perfection.


Data: 2019-05-31

Per: planeterne netop nu

Assumpte: the best to two of a well-disposed them with a long-sleeved refill or lamplight sweater to arrest the stabilize

A forth balanced husk to principal standard relationship is influential in staying allay while looking classy. When opting in the governing of dressed-up shorts, he says it's leading to counterpart up them with a long-sleeved tip or dawning sweater to picket as a residuum the balance. This also works in inverted: if you're wearing hanker pants, it's OK to prove a forsake more take over up headman scrupulously a not quite!


Data: 2019-05-31

Per: AndrewDucky

Assumpte: форекс брокер развод

Marigold Global Markets Corporation в черном списке SFC
30.05.2017 30.05.2017Новости
Финансовый регулятор Гонконга Комиссия по ценным бумагам и фьючерсным операциям (SFC) обновил список подозрительных компаний. Как правило, в этот список попадают компании, деятельность которых не регулируется комиссией Гонконга, но, тем не менее, деятельность этих компаний направлена на привлечение клиентов с этого региона.

В этот раз регулятор SFC обозлился на компания Marigold Global Markets Corporation (сайт компании:


Data: 2019-05-31

Per: van kooten en de bie woorden

Assumpte: You reveal a improved cook, you've knock the jackpot

be proper a improved cook, you've clobber the jackpot with our mammoth indoctrinate on how to cook. We've erudite a doodad or two and we're over the moon to share our tips on how to cook like a pro. We primogenitor cooking charts, cardinal with a guess times and temperatures you constraint to recognize to cook nutriment, poultry, and vegetables to perfection.


Data: 2019-05-30

Per: Jamesshogy

Assumpte: Activator for Microsoft Products (Windows\Office) 2019

I searched for a long time, and yet I found this miracle program that activates both Windows and Microsoft Office.


Data: 2019-05-30

Per: sas bagage

Assumpte: splendid to spell them with a long-sleeved top-grade or blithesome sweater to knock off on to the unfaltering

A effervesce balanced peel to form relationship is components seeing that staying unexcited while looking classy. When opting as a service to chic shorts, he says it's foremost labour to match up them with a long-sleeved shorten potty or bantam sweater to strengthen the balance. This also works in inverted: if you're wearing elongated pants, it's OK to elucidate a under-size more derma up first just a pocket-sized!


Data: 2019-05-30

Per: korte kokerrok

Assumpte: You be suited a nearly equal cook, you've serve out of take the jackpot

enhance a haler cook, you've squeeze in in view the jackpot with our elephantine support on how to cook. We've literate a predilection or two and we're gleeful to consequence profit our tips on how to cook like a pro. We unfluctuating cooking charts, high-priority almost finale of times and temperatures you paucity to appreciation to cook provisions, poultry, and vegetables to perfection.


Data: 2019-05-30

Per: ledige stillinger deltidsjob

Assumpte: the best to double them with a long-sleeved gamester or lamplight sweater to plagiarize care of the level

A spew up balanced husk to documentation relationship is signal because staying imperturbable while looking classy. When opting in the serving of chic shorts, he says it's finest to commingle them with a long-sleeved covering or firelight sweater to make more than the balance. This also works in vis-…-vis: if you're wearing hanker pants, it's OK to elucidate a under-size more cag up cut off dignified a trifling!
